Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Travels to and in Mackinaw City, Michigan

We haven't blogged in a few days because we have poor Internet service at our campground.  We left Duluth Minnesota and traveled to Marquette Minnesota and stayed in the Gitchee Gumee Campground.   It "gitched" us alright!  It could have been a really nice campground but the eccentric owner has gotten tired after 45 years so it was run down.  There was no grass and poor Monet had to learn to pee and poop on dirt.  Boy was she confused....she circled and circled and circled!   The 71 channels of cable were invisible so we got the standard 6 channels through the antennae and gave upon the cable.

Then we headed on to Mackinaw City to spend the week.  We are staying at the Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground and its okay but not quite like the pictures make it out to be.  Good location to everything but wifi is.....weak to say the least.

Yesterday we headed north to the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum in Paradise Michigan.  As the title explains the museum is about the 600 shipwrecks that took place in The Great Lakes.  It was very surprising to us to learn that the majority of the wrecks were caused by ships running into one another.  Much focus was placed on the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975, which was the subject of the folk song in the late 70's.  To this day, and after many explorations, they still have no proof of what happened.  What they do know is that the entire crew of 29 died.  Divers have recovered the bell of the ship and it is displayed in the museum.  A copy of the bell was made and the names of all deceased 29 crew members was engraved on the copy and placed back into the waters on the wreckage in honor of the men.    The museum is also located at a lighthouse on the point which shows the living quarters of those who occupied the lighthouse.

We then went to Saulte St. Marie to see the locks. They are neat but, of course, a much smaller version of the  Panama Canal.  On the way there, we saw a very interesting sign. It said "Prison Area-Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers". Really?  Who would?

Had planned to get up and go towards Petoskey today but it rained all night and has continued all day until about an hour or so ago.  We are sitting outside with our little fire going. It has actually gotten quite cool with the rain so the fire feels pretty good.   Hopefully tomorrow's weather will allow us to venture on out.

We miss all and sorry to those who we are missing phone calls from. The phone service seems to be only good at campground  with poor service in the surrounding towns. We had pictures to show you but can't seem to get them to load with the weak wifi

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