Saturday, June 22, 2013

Leaving Houston heading north

We left Kristin's and Chris' this morning and it just about broke my heart.  I think all parents have a time accepting the fact that their children are grown and independent.  We had so much fun with them.

Before I forget to mention this, Texas has the most amazing interstate system.  Atlanta has nothing on Texas as far as the spaghetti junctions go.  In fact, even in the areas where there is construction, the roads were pretty good.  Also, Kristin told us a bout "feeder roads" that local people use.  We call them frontage roads but ours are not like this.  These feeder roads run parallel to the interstate system and you can hop off and on to get around in traffic stops on the interstate.  These roads ran from Houston all the way to the Oklahoma border.  Quite amazing.

We stopped in a rest area around Richland, Texas and when Van went to crank the car as he always does periodically through each days travel, the car wouldn't crank.  He had put it in park to try to crank it from the neutral position and there she sat....nothing.  Because it wouldn't crank he could not put the car back in neutral, so we couldn't move the motorhome with the car attached like that.  Van assumed that the car battery was no good and called 3 different roadside assistance companies that we have coverage with, but none of them would bring a new battery.  They each offered to send someone in about an hour to try to jumpstart the car and if that wouldn't work they were going to tow the car to have it repaired.  He did not want that.  Finally he found someone in a truck that was about to leave and that person was kind enough to get us started.  We thought we might go ahead and replace the battery so we hunted for a Wally World.  Before we left the rest area Van had double checked the wires that go from the coach to the car, which is supposed to charge the car battery while
 you travel.  He reconnected one of the ends of the wire and secured it with electrical tape and off we went.  When we arrived at the Wally World, the car cranked again, so we took the gamble to not get a new battery and headed on up to our stop.  Once we arrived at our campsite, the car did indeed crank again.  Yea!!

At the rest area where we stopped, there must have been zillions of bumble bees.  You couldn't walk anywhere without them swarming around you and they landed on the windshields of the vehicles parked.  We could hardly see out of our windshield!

We stopped for the night near Ardmore, Oklahoma in a nice campground called Hidden Lake.  We are hot and tired from the problem solving today and are trying to finish laundry that we were too busy to finish at Kristin's.  Pretty said, huh?

Tomorrow is just a drive to the next point day.  We'll shoot for around 350 miles again and we are hoping the car cranks again in the morning.  Keep us in your prayers.

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