We arrived at Pipestem State Park on Monday the 12th. We've been here 2 weeks and will leave in the morning for Dillard, Georgia for a few days before heading to Savannah, Georgia. We know Dillard is out of the way but there were a couple of rv resorts we wanted to check out for next summer.

This is probably the nicest state park we've been to. It has beautiful mountain views, and the deer are every where and are not afraid of you. When you pass them in the car, they just stand there and keep on eating. We have full hook ups and there is wifi in the lodge. There are so many things to do at this park. They have a tram that takes you down to a gorge and restaurant; they have horse riding stables; 2 golf courses, one regular and one a short course; they also have tennis courts; pools, miniature golf and more. We would recommend if anyone is close to this area that they visit this park.

I don't know if you can see the deer or not, but there are 3 on the left side right by the road.
This is the observation tower. We had to walk about a quarter mile up a path but it was well worth it. You could see everywhere. There wasn't anyone up there with us so we took Monet off her leash and just let her run. Boy did she run!

The Lodge has a long hallway with pictures of famous people that came from West Virginia. This is Jerry West who was one the most famous basketball players. He played for the Lakers.
We met the nicest couple from Virginia who had been coming to the park for several years. They are Nancy and Bob Peters. It was his birthday Saturday, the 24th, so they come every year at this time because every year there is a car show and a outdoor concert at the amphitheater. The moment we met them we knew they were "good" people. We all ended up going to a local barbeque place one night and usually we sat around a campfire at one campsite or the other. Of course, we ended up going to the concert that night. It had been a perfect day and had cooled off by night for the concert. We took our chairs, coolers and snacks, and bundled up for an oldies concert. We have encouraged them to come see us in Florida and hope they will. They will fit right in.
These 2 weeks have just been perfect. We couldn't have asked for better weather or scenery.
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